Friday, 24 April 2015

"Miracle on May" concert SOLD OUT!!

430 seats that serve for the audience has been sold out for only 5 days! The chorus of Gita Buana Soedirman Unsoed has been serve the 430 seat for presale and 30 seats for on the spot. Do not be afraid if you cannot get the presale tickets because you also can watch it with buy the on the spot ticket only for Rp. 25.000.
Soon, May 9th 2015 Gita Buana Soedirman Unsoed wants to hold the concert choir for everyone. The name of this concert is Miracle on May because they want to give something special on May. As the other concert, this concert also has purpose to entertain every people with music arrangement and the best performance from the chorus. They also have purpose to hold this concert to shows for every people in Purwokerto that Unsoed also have a grat chorus. In the other hand, GBS also want to show the existence of the great chorus of Unsoed. This concert is the first chorus concert on Purwokerto, so they want to give the best for audiences. GBS chorus Unsoed also has a lot of achievements that they always get the achievements from the competition, so they definitely have the best quality of chorus in Unsoed.
To see this concert, you can come on May 9th 2015 at Soemardjito. The member choir of Unsoed has been practicing for a long time. They begin practice every day from October until now and they wish to get the best result. “Ya, from February, we received a lot of new member choir of GBS then after their get training for many months we training them which will define for selection into this chorus,” asked Elsa as the senior member of GBS chorus.
Before they have a member to hold the concert, the senior and coach should give training for a new member with a lot of practicing. The student who always absent on the training, they cannot join the concert because they can influence the other during a concert rehearsal. Then, on the October, the coach and senior member have to assess who is worthy member to join in concert Miracle on May. So, there are 70 members who will join this concert and give the best performance on the stage. Do not worry about a lot of people on the stage, because they want to give the different concept on the first concert. They make a drama musical concert that brings a traditional song to entertain the audiences. By Mr. John Markus Pardede, they always practice every day from Sunday to Saturday to perform the 8 songs for audience. They perform the classic and also the traditional song which arranged as the drama musical.
Because of the sold out tickets, there are many students disappointed but they still want to get the on the spot tickets on the concert day. “Hmmm.. ya, actually I want to come there but I cannot get the ticket, I hope the concert will be the great concert which can entertain the audience.” Yuli Avitasari and Agrippina told me with full of anticipation.

Although there are many audience who disappointed, but they still have full of anticipation to support the chorus of Unsoed. To get the on the spot ticket, you should come earlier because they only serve 30 tickets, so you can come at 6.00 PM to get the ticket earlier. The concert will be start at 07.00 PM until finish on May 9th 2015 at Soemardjito. Be there and give support for our chorus!!

Thursday, 23 April 2015

My Extraordinary Journey

My story was began when my boyfriend come to here, Purwokerto. Actually, we have a distance relationship between Jakarta and Purwokerto, so it is very difficult to meet up. Because of we feel bored with our activities, then we plan to have the long journey. On the may 2015, he came to here by train on the afternoon. He chooses the very cheap train to go to here because he wants to save his money for the journey. On the afternoon, I picked him on the train station and we went to have lunch together. Because of he do not patient to see the natural beauty in here, so we plan the journey to go to Dieng plateau. Then, after we pray magrib together on the mosque, we started our journey by my motorbike.

We count down the time at 6.30PM from here until Dieng we arrived at 00.00 on the midnight. Actually, we should arrive only for 4 hours, but we had an accident that we lost on the way to Dieng. It was our first time went to the west java, so we went to there only depends by the GPS. First of all, we went to Dieng by motorbike on 6.30PM, we take the way to Dieng that pass the Purbalingga, Banjarnegara, Wonosobo and ends in Dieng plateau area. However, before we got past Purbalingga, suddenly we got lost on the way on Purbalingga. Because of we started the jorney on the afternoon, so we cannot know the the area well. On our mindset, we should follow the GPS direction to get the right way, but in fact the GPS find the other way that pass the village which do not have lamp along the way.

On that village, as the assistant, I only took into the GPS direction to lead me to find the right way, but suddenly we realized that we still on the same way until1 hours. We feel that we keep forward on the way with following the GPS, but we still see the same house, and also the same forest. Without lights along the way, we only rely on the motorcycle for splitting the light darkness of the forest. After we realized that we lost, we finally decided to stop in a minimarket. Luckily, in minimarket there was a young man who kindly helped us to get out from the village. Before we came out, we had to ask if it was true that there are 3 elementary schools along the way, and the man answered with the full compassion to us. He explained that we were completely lost and there is only a 1 elementary school, so for 1 hour we were just around the same area up to 3 times. That was made us so terrible on that night. After telling of his experience, the man finally drove us to the local city that full of hustle. After arriving, we immediately go to Wonosobo until in 11.00PM.

Then, after we arrived on the Dieng plateau on the midnight, we were took a rest on the small kiosk before we hike to the Sikunir. Luckily, on the small kiosk there was also kind man who has many experienced about hiking on Sikunir. As a new tourist, we ask many questions about his experience and we also share our experience on the other place. We were very enjoyed to take a rest there until 03.00AM. Then he said that it was the right time to hike to the Sikunir, so we decided to hike to the Sikunir. After we prepared all the materials, especially the mineral water, immediately we hike with the other people there. First, I feel that I can hike to there easily, but in fact it was very hard to go there. There, I feel terrible cold so I had to wear a double jacket and thick gloves.

By the cold air and night air that only have little oxygen, I felt very claustrophobic. Uphill road also makes me the hassle of arranging breath until the end of the ascent. Patiently, my boyfriend always waiting for me who got difficulty to set of breath, energy and legs were very tired. Actually, we can arrive on Sikunir only for 30 minutes, but because of my physical tired we finally reached up to 1 hour duration. However, all of the tiredness and frightening trip lost already after we can see the beautiful expanse of mountains lined and white clouds. After waiting amid the cold, we finally get to see the sunrise over the plateau Sikunir. The perfect sun, the sea of white clouds and also very High Mountain make us enjoying the extraordinary scenery. The cold air eventually lost and warm air of sun replaced it. Since there, I feel how beautiful God creation is.

Tuesday, 14 April 2015


Time by time
Day by Day
Out heart never be change
Keep our promise along your day

Although we have a distance
Deep in my heart we always close
I love the way you love me

Like our heart never be close

Hello !!

Hello!  My name Fauziah Rizki Amalia, you can call me Fauziah. I have many friends who call me “Fauziah” or “pau” as my nick name. Now, I’m 19 years old and I am still study in English Diploma Program at Jenderal Soedirman University. Actually, I live in Jakarta with my parents, but know I should live in Purwokerto to continue my study in Jenderal Soedirman University. When the first time I live here, I feel refresh with the atmosphere and the air around this country. Here I can get the differences than Jakarta. The reason why I choose this university is because the atmosphere. In this country I can release the stresses only with go around and visit some green place so, I also can practice my hobby as the photographer. Because of I always get the extraordinary scenery, so sometimes I can capture it to get the extraordinary photos.

Besides photography, I have another hobby as the traveler and writer. Sometimes, when I bored, I would go around seeing the nature in my country then I can be refreshing again to face my life. After I get the experience from my adventure, I would like to write my story with the satisfaction. I love Indonesian’s nature so much where I get the fresh air, and the extraordinary situation here.

Here I made this blog not only to share my experience but also I will publish my creativity in creative writing subject, so you can read it as the reference to get some information. I hope you can enjoy read my blog. Thank You!